Friday 28 June 2013

protein myth

you all know the protein myth, right?

I already mentioned that e.g. the German strongman Patrick Baboumia is a vegan and experiences no such thing as a protein deficit. So why would we normal people, who don't lift heavyweights and such?! Beans for example are rich in protein and have far less fat and certainly hold less medications compared to meat and other animal products!! So sometimes it really feels like this:

Tuesday 25 June 2013

'humane' meat

'humane' meat...
there is no such thing!
what could ever be humane about killing?

Monday 24 June 2013

reason 5: superpowers

reason #5 for veganism: If you become a vegan you get superpowers!! At least according to the film Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, which I herby recommend to you! But take care: The vegan police is watching you, so don't just go around and pretend...!

Sunday 23 June 2013

58 Billion

picture taken from:

Saturday 22 June 2013

''We no longer enslave animals for food purposes'' Star Trek

STAR TREK: The Next Generation 
Season 1 
'Lonely Among Us'

''We no longer enslave animals for food purposes'' William Riker / No. 1 (played  by Jonathan Frakes)

Gene Roddenberry, creator of Star Trek, was a vegetarian and I believe he was right in portraying the consumption of meat linked to aggression and violence.
No matter if you have ever watched an episode of Star Trek or not, you surely know who Vulcans are. According to the show (STAR TREK : Enterprise - which was filmed 2001-2005, but is a prequel to ST : The Original Series) Vulcans are naturally vegans, as they are civilized, diplomatic and care a great deal for peace, while the logical code they follow seeks to embrace all creatures / life forms. As the show proceeds (from STAR TREK: The Original Series to ST : The Next Generation) also humans overcome the oppression of animals and by this become more efficient, modern and civilized than they had been. 

So Gene Roddenberry's message through STAR TREK might be: If we want to overcome war, oppression and discrimination the path we should take involves to stop the enslavement of animals. It will free our minds, make our species healthier and happier through embracing the truth and stop being responsible for so much suffering. Then and only then are we able to become civilized in a way that we claim we already are...

And coming back to Vulcans: Veganism simply is the most logical choice.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

please don't

don't just stand by!
don't close your eyes to the injustice right there before you.
there is too much at stake. too many lives depend on us.
take a moment to make up your mind. get in touch with your beliefs.
it's worth it. i promise.

Friday 7 June 2013

Phoebe Buffay

You surely know Phoebe in Friends, don't you?
She was always my favorite, but if you like her or not she is an excellent example of how vegetarians (and also vegans, but I'll come to that...) are portrayed in TV shows.
Phoebe is a vegetarian and Phoebe, oh wonder, is the weird one of the group.
She is the one that has all the weird ideas, that gets fed meat unknowingly and the one being friends with many other by the group considered as 'weird' people, of whom some are said to be vegetarians as well. She had a boyfriend, who was on a hunger strike, a friend who wouldn't shower until Tibet is free (which until today it isn't, so she must stink a lot by now) and such.
The idea of being vegetarian is in the series closely connected to being queer, what in Phoebes case manifests itself through her believe in spirits, the idea of aura and curses. Even so Phoebe is part of the group, a good friend, funny and honest, many people wouldn't want to friends with her in real life.
A while ago I came across a post on a website that was about the most noticeable illogical circumstances in Friends and one of them was the fact that the others were friends with Phoebe, as in real life she would be Monica's former weird roommate. But Phoebe is just an example for warm up.

Most other TV-shows portray vegans and vegetarians on a scale that starts with simple weirdness and ends with portraying them in a way that even I as a vegan start to dislike them. A quick example would be the 'dirty smelly hippie' Ted dated in How I Met Your Mother, who threw red paint in the face of the chef of the restaurant the group was eating in screaming 'Meat is murder!'. While meat in fact is murder, this kind of behavior makes people not like vegetarians and vegans and even so I understand it, when people act the way her character did, if you're out on a date with your non-vegetarian new boyfriend and his friends, I'm pretty sure most of us would do that...
Don't get me wrong here: I really like HIMYM! But in portraying vegetarians and vegans the show is kind of mean.
Unlike for example Southpark (were just everyone is ridiculed in the most offensive way possible) how vegans and vegetarians are portrayed in HIMYM made me like it a little less, even so it's still a great show. It simply feels a little like the writers really mean it and act in terms of carnistsic believes, when they rip on v/v's.

While we are on it: Southpark. I love it! The theme of how veganism and vegetarianism comes up in various episodes, but they really make it fun for me to watch, as they don't rip on v/v's so much, but more make fun of how society sees us. In the episode 'Fun with Veal' (6th season) Stan, Kyle and Butters are horrified, after they found out, that veal is in fact the meat of dead calves. They rescue dozens of baby cows and lock themselves and the calves in Stan's room and shortly after they are declared terrorists. Some of the food, that was send up to the boys contains chicken and beef and Stan, being ripped out of his carnistic illusion, refuses to eat any meat. While Cartman, who is with them (because the other boys made him help), tells Stan he'll become a 'pussy' if he doesn't eat meat, Stan in fact gets sick and weakly within a few hours, developing sores all over his face. It's really hilarious to watch! After the big showdown it all ends with Stan going to the hospital, where his doctor reveals that the sores on his face are actually little vaginas, because (as Cartman had said it) not eating meat had started to turn Stan into a giant pussy.
There is hardly any better critical view on what society thinks of v/v's, is there?

Maybe this one: Southpark - 15th season - 'Broadway Bro Down'.
Stan and his sister stay with the Feegans, a vegan family that always wears life jackets. There son is scared of everything and gets regularly beaten up, obviously because he doesn't eat meat. Throughout the episode he tries meat and considers it the best thing he ever tasted. Vegan food on the Feegan's dinner table is obviously very disgusting. While this is the subplot, I don't even need to go into it, you surely get what this says anyway: society thinks vegans are overly concerned about things, they are (coming back to Phoebe) weird and have queer ideas and most importantly any meal without meat (and dairy, eggs, etc.) tastes shit and makes you a pussy.

I'll leave you with that for now.

Wednesday 5 June 2013


all rights reserved to the website and the artist Dan Piraro

Tuesday 4 June 2013

reasons for veganism/vegetarianism part 2

3. It's contagious.

When I became a vegetarian in the first place no-one else in my family would have ever considered to also become a vegetarian. Seven years later I'm a vegan, my mother, sister and best friend have become vegetarians, my father cuts back on meat and even my boyfriend (who I had never expected to ever go down that road) has cut back on meat so far, that he only consumes fish on an irregular basis.
This might not sound so notably to you, but in my childhood days my family (including me) consumed meat every day, often with more than one meal! The same applies to the family of my boyfriend and most friends of mine. When I first became a vegetarian at the age of 13 most of them didn't personally knew a single person that also was vegetarian or vegan and especially my parents were sure that 'phase' of mine would be over within a few weeks.
Needless to say, it wasn't.
I'm quite confident that more people I know will turn vegetarian and some of my family members and already vegetarian living friends will turn vegan within the next years, as they see how well I get on with it and how much I benefit from this lifestyle of caring, that I chose.
I call it 'vevolution' and it's best feature is that it's highly infectious for anyone with a distinct mind!

4. The meat industry is pure evil.

There will be more posts on how exactly farmed animals, workers and the environment suffer due to the meat industry, but what I'm mainly trying to highlight here, is that except for the meat getting cheaper and cheaper and more money is flowing towards the managers and shareholders, there isn't one good or just thing to name in favor of this metaphorically bloodsucking industry.
Fact is, that as most workers aren't trained properly for the jobs they do, a noticeable number of animals is not dead, while they are being 'disassembled'. This again leads to further blunting of the workers mind, which often results in drinking problems or violent behavior towards their families, as for them violence has become entirely normal. So victims of the meat industry are not only the animals, but also the workers themselves (Melanie Joy states that no other group has such a high percentage of work related accidents) and their families and friends.
But this is not the extend of it - not by far! The meat industry pollutes our environment like no other industrial section. They pollute our water, are one of the main reasons for uprooting of the rainforest and the antibiotics used on farmed animals make the humans that consume them immune to several medications.
So as a matter of fact: WE are the victims of carnism. WE pay with our health, as the pollution that finds it's way back into OUR bodies through water, air and food.

Monday 3 June 2013

made my day!

Quick thanks to all 278 pageviewers so far from Mexico, GB, Netherlands, Denmark, USA, Canada, Australia, Sweden and Germany! To tell the truth, at first I wasn't sure if anyone would ever come across this blog. But you proved me wrong! Also a big thanks to everyone, who left comments, shared this page and send me messages!
Coming up tomorrow: 'reasons for veganism/vegetarianism part 2'.

Sunday 2 June 2013

a poem


Cages slave and oppress
Animals kept in a manmade fortress.
Rapidly slaughtered, rapidly sliced,
Souls are tortured out of their bodies.
Might we ever learn to feel again?

Saturday 1 June 2013

what does living 'vegan' really mean?

I've met several people that introduced themselves as vegans, while in fact they were vegetarians that mainly live vegan. I'm totally fine with those! I never called myself vegan at that state of my journey towards veganism, but for a long time I was something in-between vegan and vegetarian, because I simply couldn't let go of certain foods (in my case honey and occasionally cheese) or still believed I needed them from time to time.
I can totally understand what you are going through and I believe becoming vegan for real is a process that just very few people manage to come by at their first try. Still, please don't call yourself vegan then, because it makes vegans in general look inconsequent and their recall in media and general opinions of us are bad enough ;) By the way, there will be a post on vegans / vegetarians in the media some time next week (--> title will be: Phoebe Buffay).

So the vegan philosophy is quite simple:
If anywhere along the process of making the product you intend to buy where animals involved, it is not vegan. So honey isn't, as it's made by bees; leather shoes aren't, as it's cow-skin; milk, eggs and any products made out of such obviously aren't vegan as well and if you intend to eat soy-yoghurt or something like this is only vegan if the bacteria processing within weren't extracted from whey. Make-up is only vegan if it wasn't tested on animals and has no other ingredients in it extracted out of animals or animal produced products. Also clothes, shampoo and such can be non-vegan, so watch out!

This might sound very restricting, but it's quite easy to implement to real live as there are various signs made for vegan products and the "animal involved - not food; entirely plant based - food" rule really is convertible even for dummies. Soy products, bean curd and any kind of lentils are great substitutions for what formerly was the meat or cheese share of the dish!


the downside

There is none.

I'm serious.

Becoming vegan has been one of the best choices I have ever made. I do not feel limited in my choices, but instead like I have even more than before. I can look in the eye of ever living creature and instead of looking away out of guilt I can now face the truth and eventually take action.
It feels like I grow braver eyer day.
Through veganism I evolved.
Without the constant denial that had chained me before I now experience vulnerability in a hole new way. This may not sound as positive as it is meant... What I'm saying is: Through closing the door to the oppression and slaughter of animals, not one, but various new doors have opened up. While the quality of my life has increased through facing the truth and for the first time actually living according to my morals, the quality of my relationships to both humans and animals has also increased. I have become more sensible to the needs of all the other creatures around me, human or non-human animals alike, resulting in the fact that there has never been anything I felt so passionate and also compassionate about. It feels like the colors are brighter, my mind expanded, the way I love and the way I suffer when taking pity on others is far more intense.

In my opinion, there is no downside to veganism.
Because vegan is spelled L-O-V-E.