Friday 31 May 2013

carnism and sexism

In the field of human-animal studies there is quite a wide field of sociologist exploring how the consumption of animals is relates to masculinity. In fact the number of female vegans and vegetarians is a lot higher compared to the number of males. This has various reasons, but is not what this post will explore.
Instead I will compare the the N's that Melanie Joy names as the main arguments for legalization of meat consummation to the same N's that have been used to legalize a patriarch society in the past.
I will not take quite the path Melanie Joy takes in the second chapter in her book to make this visible, but simply argument in the same manner for both carnism and sexism (which in reality I obviously both oppose).

Normal, Necessary, Natural

"It is normal to eat meat, because it has always been like this. History shows, that for the past two thousand years mankind has been eating meat."
is like saying
"It is normal, that men have more power and their opinion is valued higher, they are simply more important than women, because history shows, that until the feminist movement started it had been like this for over thousand years."
Exceptions in history can be found for both (women holding power / vegans+vegetarians) as they always existed, but the illogical argumentation of "it's always been like this, it must be right = it's normal" never mentions them.

"It is necessary to eat meat, because if you don't you get sick and also you will lack the protein for building up muscles. Anything else would be unhealthy."
is like saying (and this is in fact the argumentation that was used for denying women the right to vote)
"It is necessary that men can vote and women aren't aloud to, because their brains are designed differently and such a complex task that would demand understanding of various political matters is simply to much for them."
Both has obviously been proved wrong! And as a fun fact: Germanys strongest man Patrick Baboumian is a vegan.

"It is natural to eat meat, because we can. Also it is natural to farm animals, because we are smarter than them."
is like saying
"It is natural that the male status should be over the female, as most men are physically stroger than women. So as oppression of women through men is possible, that legalizes it, because it must have been intended."
As you have surely noticed this argumentation (just like the ones above) lacks the kind of logic a clear mind could and would ever trust.

While both argumentations seem equally silly sexism (at least as drastic as in this argumentation) is mainly overcome, while carnism has just been named. And it is not only sexism, carnism can be compared with, also there were various attempts through history to legalize racism and speciesism by there advocates in similar ways.
After knowing this, do YOU really want to continue to promote carnism and rase your children to believe in eating meat by arguing it is necessary, normal and natural?

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